Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Consolidation= Key To Getting Out Of Debt

Student Loan Consolidation:
Getting Out of Debt


When we talk about college graduation, several promising life changes occur in our minds – potential careers, independence as well as new beginnings. However, although it means beginning of something, it still signifies something less enjoyable too – the repayment of student loans.

As you all know, the repayment of ample student loans can be off-putting for both students and their parents. It was found out by the Public Interest Research Group in the US that the average debt among student borrowers is currently in excess of $16,500. That large! The Associated Press also noted that graduates of public colleges and universities usually emerge owing more than $10,000 for their undergraduate years alone. Those who are in private institutions typically owe $14,000, while the graduate-level students often owe more than $24,000. What’s more for those studying medicine or law? For sure, they accumulate even more debt. And, the bad thing is, repaying these debts are even becoming more difficult for graduates in the midst of uncertain jobs and the recession.

With the interest rates in all student loan programs are now at record lows, there is no reason for the graduates not to consider student loan consolidation. It is often said that with student loan consolidation, students and graduates can save thousands of bucks in interest charges.

Now let us look at the things involved in student loan consolidation.

Student Loan Consolidation: A Definition

Student loan consolidation is typically defined as the process or the act of combining multiple loans into a single loan in order to decrease the monthly payment amount or elevate the repayment period. There are a lot of reasons behind it, and among those is money saving payment incentives, decreased monthly payments, fixed interest rates, and new or renewed deferments.

The Plus Factors of Consolidation

Student loan consolidation has a lot to offer. That is what many experts often say. To find out what consolidation has to offer, let’s read on.

Overall Interest Savings

Over time, the student loans you have borrowed have been assigned with different variable interest rates. Note that the key word here is variable. While the loan you received may have offered, say, 3.5 percent at first, the rate will actually go up as the interest rates go up. So, if you have two or more of these loans, there is a great possibility that you may have owed amounts at different rates, and these rates can rise and fall yearly. Considering that the interest rates have nowhere else to go but up, it is no doubt a safe bet that the debt you have accumulated will mount faster than it would if you consider a student loan consolidation.

By considering consolidation and remaining on your 10 years payment plan, it is possible that you can lock your interest at today’s current loan rates and save some bucks over the long haul. Aside from that, all of those loans that may have come from different lending companies or banks can be a burden to deal with. So, if you consolidate, it means that you only deal with one single company and one payment rather than several. Other than that, you have the great chance to receive added bonuses like payment and interest rate reductions in case you pay your debts on time over a period of months. These benefits are also possible to come if you have automatically withdrawn your monthly payment from a checking or savings account.

Improved Credit Score

By considering a loan consolidation, borrowers not only save or reduce their long term debt but can also help change their credit score for the better over time. It is worth noting that an improved credit score is a very important factor when a person enters the “real” world and wants a new car, apartment or charge card.

Here are some tips for you that can help you as you enter the job market.

  • More Open Accounts, The Lower the Score: Over the student borrower’s life, he or she may have borrowed up to eight separate loans to pay for school. Each of these loans has a different payback amount, payment terms and interest rate. The more accounts the student has opened, the lower the over credit score. Thereby, lowering the amount of open credit lines on a credit report is needed, but this can only be made possible through a student loan consolidation in which the older accounts will be combined into a single account.

  • The Lower the Payments, the Higher the Score: When the credit report evaluation comes, it is usual in the process that the amount of the borrower’s monthly minimum payments is taken into account. So, when you hold a number of loans, every payment is considered part of the borrower’s monthly payment obligation. Those who have considered consolidation have only one payment to make, which is typically lower than the minimum amount of the separate, multiple loans.

  • The Debt to Credit Ratio Matters: As you may know, the credit bureaus typically find out if you are in debt. They do this by way of evaluating the amount of your available credit you actually use. So, in case you have a total of $10,000 available on three credit lines and you owe $2,000, your score will then be considered higher than especially if you have maxed out your on credit line with a $2,000 limit. It is worthy to note that if a person has several loans with a maximum used, it will reflect negatively on his or her credit score. Given this fact, consolidating the accounts is very important in order to lessen the number of open accounts being used.

Returning to School is a Possibility

Many students and graduates left school for family, career or financial reasons. The odds here are they will want to return to college down the line. However, if they fail to pay on their student loans while they are out of school, there is a great possibility that they can be kept from receiving any financial aid when they return. So, if financial reasons were part of the primary reason they left school, it therefore implies that digging a much deeper hole will only make it harder for them to come back.

By consolidating, the loans will also become easier to manage and pay off. And, once the loans are consolidated, you can retain your right for forbearance as well as for deferment. You can even take advantage of income sensitive and graduate repayment options which you may not have encountered before while you’re on your multiple loans.

Hiding from Loans is Impossible

There is one particular truth when it comes to student loans – you can’t hide from them. It may sound extreme though, but school loans are completely immune to bankruptcy and those students or graduates that failed to pay their bills face stiff punishments. The usual consequences are poor credit ratings, garnishment of wages, and IRS penalties.

Besides, attaining licenses in certain fields is impossible when you failed to pay off your student loan debts. There is even a chance that you may be excluded from some government contracts if you own a small business. With all these consequences, it is then clear that avoiding a student loan is no way to start a life after college. If you do come back and take out more and more student loans, you will be able to consolidate again after graduation.

In the end, about half of the students coming out of college have actually gained their degrees. Of course, it can be tough to remain and stay in school with financial burdens, and it is harder to come back. But, thanks to student loan consolidation that creating one less barrier to coming back to school and keeping your credit rating clean is now possible.

The Right Period to Consolidate

In the government consolidation loan program, it is interesting to know that there are actually no deadlines connected to it. It is supported by the fact that you can apply for the student loan anytime during the grace period or even on the repayment period. But to consolidate student loans, some considerations must be paid attention. To consolidate student loans, you should know that it usually take place during your grace period. At this moment, the lower in-school interest rate will then be applied to estimate the weighted average fixed rate to consolidate student loans. And once the grace period has ended on your government student loans, the higher in-repayment interest rate will be applied to estimate the weighted average fixed rate. Given such process, it is then understandable that your fixed interest rate for government student loan consolidation will be higher if you consolidate student loans after your grace period.

And when you are interested to consolidate student loans, you should know that even of your student loans are already in repayment, to consolidate student loans is still allowed and beneficial. It is for the reason that when you consolidate student loans at this time, you already fix the interest rate on your government student loans while the rates are still originally low.


As presented, student loan consolidation can help most borrowers in many ways. But, it is still necessary to note that rates won’t actually stay low without end. In fact, they are so low now and the only place for rates to go is up. So, if you are on your way out of college, saving every cent you can in today’s tough job market is worth considering. And, regardless of the situation you are in to right now, consolidating your college loans is a practical decision.

Paying back a loan?

Student Loan Repayment Tips for the Life of Your Loans

It is often said that the most effective debt management strategy is to be debt-free. But, in order to pay for your college education, you may need to take out student loans.

Student loans are applied by many people these days. It is for the hope that student loans can greatly support their education. Well, that is primarily the purpose of student loans, but there are some instances that getting student loans is what lead people to be buried deep in debt. This is common among those who failed to repay their debts or those who actually escape from their obligations.

Now, planning for successful repayment involves a lot of considerations. The planning should start before you place and strike your pen on your first promissory note. Just as you are making a commitment to your career by way of investing time and money in higher education, you should also make a commitment to your financial future by way of effectively managing your student loans from the beginning.

Here are the most recommended tips and tactics that may help you handle your student loan debt effectively and repay the loans successfully.

Tip #1: Do Your Own Research

Always note that not all loans are the same. Some of them, such as the ones provided by the Indiana Secondary Market for instance, offer benefits during school as well as after graduation in the form of repayment incentives, while other do not. They will pay the 3 percent origination fee normally charged on Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) loans, and this process actually means more money for the books, school supplies and living expenses. And, after you graduated, there is a chance that you will be qualified for reduced interest rates especially when you ready your payments up on automatic withdraw. So, with the differences in student loans, it is necessary that you do your research before signing the first promissory note.

Tip #2: Pay Attention to the Mail

Typically, every borrower receives important information regarding the student loan he or she took out. The mail usually comes in before, during and after school. So, it is somehow important that you read all of the materials you receive carefully. In case, you have questions, the source of the materials is available to welcome you with your questions. Don’t hesitate to ask, and never ignore the correspondence or you may miss out a very vital deadlines or details about your loans.

Tip #3: Be Organized

When taking out student loan from a particular institution, it is always best to save all of your student loan documents and correspondences. This makes you aware of what exactly you’ve agreed, what is expected from you as a student loan borrower, and how much you have borrowed. At the start of the student loan process, you may find it unnecessary to keep all the documents, but when the repayment period is approaching, there is a great possibility that you may refer to some or all of these documents.

To makes things easier for you, begin by setting up an easy to use record-keeping system where you can store your student loan documents and correspondence. As you may know, there are a number of books and software products on personal finance to help you get started. Whatever you may use, whether file folders, binders, portfolios, or envelopes, it is a good idea that you set up one folder for every type of loan or account you have and keep the items sorted accordingly.

Here is what you should keep:

· Important documents like your student loan applications, promissory notes, disbursement and disclosure statements, as well as loan transfer notices.

· Copies of all correspondences between you and your student loan lender, loan holder, and/or servicer, including your school’s financial aid office.

· Addresses and telephone numbers of your lender, loan holder, and servicer. These must be maintained up-to-date.

· The name, the date and time of the conversation, as well as a summary of what you have discussed. These must be considered especially when you are speaking with anyone regarding your student loans as these may be valuable for future reference or clarification.

Also, when setting up your record-keeping system, be sure that it is comfortable to use. This means a system that you will find easy to maintain over the life of the loan. This record-keeping system must also be secured from theft or fire. Many experts also suggest that you should keep all your student loan related documents and correspondences until all the education loans you’ve taken have been fully repaid.

Tip #4: Be present at All Required Entrance and Exit Sessions

When you take out student loan, you will be required to complete student loan counseling sessions. This is often considered when you first obtain the loan and upon graduation. Also, it is worth noting that some schools these days offer this on-line and the sessions will not require a great amount of your time. However, they will provide you with a great deal of information on your right and responsibilities as a borrower.

Tip #5: Learn to Manage Money like an Expert

It has been said that if you live like a professional while you are in school, you will live like a student once you’ve finished your degree. In other words, it is important that you know very well how to handle your money while you are attending school. This will help you lessen the total amount you end up borrowing, and in turn, the amount you will responsible for repaying.

Here are some of the tactics that are worth considering:

· Develop realistic budgets for while you are attending school and even after you graduate. This will allow you to borrow not more than you need, giving you a great chance to repay your loans.

· Learn to live as cheaply as you can. Always remember that you are just a student. You will enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle once you’ve graduated especially if you lessen your borrowing while you are in school. Some of the most recommended ideas for how to be thrifty include getting a roommate, renting a movie instead of going out to the theater, as well as bringing your lunch from home instead of eating out. Be thrifty as possible.

· For any credit card bills you receive, try to pay the full amount due.

· Establish a budget for yourself and follow it. While you are in school, it is important that you know how to resist the urge of using credit cards or your student loan funds to purchase things that are included in your budget. Don’t just buy unnecessary things.

· If possible, explore work-study or other part-time employment. As often said, it may give you an opportunity for you to study or obtain valuable professional experience, other than help cover overheads.

Tip #6: Maintain at least Half-Time Enrollment

Considering a half-time enrollment is highly necessary in order for you to qualify for an in-school deferment. The half-time enrollment normally takes six credit hours. Regarding your school’s requirements for half-time status, see your financial aid officer.

Tip #7: Take Advantage of Tax Savings

Some of the student who takes out student loans qualifies for tax credits. To see your own status, check with your tax advisor. The credits are actually based on your qualified tuition payments, and they can help reduce the amount of Federal tax you pay. Now, if you are paying interest on a student loam, you may also be able to take a deduction on your Federal tax return for those interest payments. Therefore, to obtain the full benefit of the credits as well as the deductions, grab the opportunity of employing the additional tax refund to pay down your student loan debt, or perhaps to handle your educational overheads.

Tip #8: Repayment Tips

As you enter the repayment period, note that being aware of your student loan obligations is very crucial. This is where the student loan default usually happens. It occurs when you fail to pay back the loan as agreed or meet the other terms of your promissory note. The promissory note for each of the loans must then be referred prior to your graduation or before you leave school so that you know what your rights and responsibilities are in repayment.

Here is what you should do as you enter the repayment period:

· Send your education loan payments when due every month, for the full monthly payment amount or more. This must be done regardless of whether or not you receive a bill.

· Note and understand the repayment options provided by your student loan lenders. With some available options, there is a possibility that you can lessen the total cost of the loan by making a high monthly payment. Other options may even lessen your initial monthly payments and may make it easier for you to pay back your leans early in your career.

· Understand the deferment as well as forbearance. In case you need them, just learn to exercise your options.

· Remember that the loan consolidation and its repayment options have its pros and cons. So, understand them.

· Keep your school, lender or servicer informed of your whereabouts. Contact them immediately if you change your name or address; have questions about billing statements; have problems making your scheduled payment on time; or if you want information on or application for deferment or forbearance.

· Read, note and understand all the correspondence you receive from your student loan lender, loan holder, or servicer. And, respond them promptly if asked to do so.

For Further Information

If for instance you need further information regarding your student loans, always remember that the financial aid staff at your school is probably your most important resource. However, there are also some consult publications from federal and state governments, lenders and scholarship granting organizations, and financial ad guidebooks that are available from your local bookstore. They are great enough for you to start your own search.

Financing Your Education

Your Future Is In Your Hands


One of the most important decisions you can make in your life is how to pay for your education. Education as you may know is a very big thing for all of us. It is the key to our success. But, oftentimes this “big thing” is ignored because of financial problems. Thanks to some schools and institutions out there that financing your education can now be made possible. However, just as you investigate which schools have the best programs for you; it is still necessary that you gather information about how best to finance your education and your future.

Invest While You Can, But Be Careful!

It is often said that your education is a major investment in yourself. It is an investment of both time and money. You may be spending your limited resources now in the hope that you will realize a somewhat positive outcome on your investment in the future. It is best that you consider the time as well as money you will invest in your education, but along with this, the personal and professional goals you’ve set for yourself must also be given attention. Then, it is now time to make the best investment you can. There are some lending companies or persons you know who will support you where you can borrow even just the minimum amount necessary to fulfill your education aims. It is through this way that you will realize your financial and career goals as it maximizes the net return on your investment.

Perhaps it is also necessary that you consider some preparations for the financial aspects of your school, just as you are preparing for admission to and enrollment in the school of your desire. Many experts often say that even if your parents may be willing to carry your financial paperwork or any financial burdens there may be while you are in school, it is still best that you understand it too and become at least an equal participant in financing your education. In case you don’t, you may find that financing your education can sometimes become overly confusing and complicated. Note that while you are in school and even after you left, you will be the one signing the promissory notes for any loans you borrow in order to finance your education. This just implies that you yourself will be legally responsible for your loans. Thus, understanding the terms and conditions of the loans you borrow will help you get out from any problem during the repayment period.

Questions to Ask Before Your Borrow

Before you borrow, it is necessary that you get answers to the most possible, important questions as you plan the financing of your education. The necessary questions to consider are the following:

  1. What should I be doing now to get ready for meeting the cost of my education?
  2. Are there eligibility requirements that I must meet in order for me to obtain support for my degree? If so, what are they?
  3. What specific financing alternatives or programs are available to me at the school where I plan to apply?
  4. How to apply for financial support and what applications are needed?
  5. Is there a right time to apply for financial aid? When should it be and what are the application deadlines?
  6. Will my parents be expected to provide any of their financial information or contribute to the cost of my education?
  7. What they will do with the information I and my parents provide?
  8. What necessary and unnecessary points should I know about the assistance I am offered like student loans, grants, or work study?
  9. Is there any move that I can take to lessen the amount I have to borrow, yet still attend the school of my choice?
  10. What do I need to consider or do once I arrive on campus to minimize how much I borrow?
  11. What choices will I get for working while attaining my degree?
  12. What possible impacts will the loans I borrow have on me after I graduated from college?

As you may notice, some of the above mentioned questions are general. They apply to any school you might attend. However, others are more specific to the programs, policies and procedures of every school you may be considering. So, what is best to do with these questions aside from seeking for answers is to evaluate these issues as you explore your financial options, in spite of where you plan to attend school. It is somehow worthy to note that financing your education requires a collaboration involving yourself, your family, as well as the school you attend. Your lender may also play a great part on it. Answering such questions should provide you the information you will need to make well-informed choices about how to finance your education, other than how to make the most of your education investment.

Where to Seek for Answers?

One of your most important resources to use in answering the above mentioned questions is probably the financial aid administrators at the schools you are considering. However, there are also some consult publications from funding organizations out there where you can seek for answers. Examples of them could be the state governments, lenders, and scholarship granting organizations. Several financial aid guidebooks are also available today from your local bookstore.

Perhaps another valuable and updated source of answers to such questions is the Internet. As you may know, many schools today have their own websites, which often cover information about the financial aid. Most of the lenders and other funding organizations even have websites as well. Typically, they offer information about financing your degree, the importance of good credit, managing your student loans while in school, and even repaying your student loans. There are also some interactive calculators online these days to help you plan your in-school and out-school budgets. These calculators are even useful when it comes to projecting the cost of your student loans.

Lastly, several websites that have been established by government agencies and other organizations to aid students with financing their education are now accessible. As often said, they may be a good place to start your search.

How Much Should You Borrow?

So you’ve found answers to those questions, do you? If so, it is necessary to note that before you place and strike your pen on any promissory notes, you should first take an organized step and identify how much you will really need to borrow.

There are actually several factors associated with the dollar amount you should borrow. Usually, the amount will greatly depend on the cost of attendance as established by your school; on the student loan limits established by the federal government and other student loan lenders; on your outstanding financial commitments like car loans or mortgages; other resources you may have such as savings accounts; and on the amount of the debt you can afford to repay once you leave school. Also note that the sum of these parts equals an educated estimate of your student loan amount.

Factors to Consider for Borrowing

Under the accepted standards of borrowing student loans, it is stressed that you can borrow up to the cost of attendance, as determined by your school, less other financial assistance you might be receiving. Other financial assistance refers to grants, work-study, and scholarships. And, the cost of attendance typically involves tuition, books, fees, room and board, and other miscellaneous living expenses.

Also, the cost of attendance as determined by your school has figures that are meant to apply to a wide group of students. Oftentimes, you may not need to borrow as much as your school allows. Note that it is best to borrow the minimum amount possible so that you can lessen your overall financial obligation later. Nevertheless, if you find that you really need a student loan amount that is more than the school has allotted, you actually have the right to appeal the decision. But, this is permitted as long as you do not surpass the maximum amount as established and maintained by the federal regulations.

If you prefer to consider borrowing student loans to finance your education, just expect that some of the lenders these days have borrowing limits placed on student loans. For instance, the federal government places annual and aggregate borrowing restrictions on federal student loans, and the aggregate limit is usually the total amount that every student can borrow in the span of his or her education. Given this fact, it is then necessary to examine and evaluate the terms of every loan you plan to take on for the annual and aggregate loan restrictions.

Aside from that, carefully and honestly assess your current financial status, including any financial commitments you have made before entering the school of your own choice. Understanding the repayment obligations of every commitment you’ve made is the key here. Note that over time you will be responsible for these prior obligations in addition to any education debt you take on, and your education loans are not given to cover these prior obligations you have.

Finally, consider the realistic determination of your future income. You can perform some research on the current job market and start salaries in the area you plan to pursue. Just note that you will be paying for your education with your future income. So, when choosing a student loan program, be sure to do some investigations on the loans that offer you alternative repayment plans which can assist you in managing your payments, especially early on in your own career.


As mentioned, student loans can be a valuable investment, but they are also an important obligation that needs to be considered. In order for you to ensure a successful student loan repayment, you must make sure that you approach borrowing carefully and thoughtfully. This must also be coupled with being realistic in your own budget as well as salary projections.